Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Heart Attack

Well, I did a thing called heart attack for V-day. What I did was cover the yards with hearts and leave a little treat for those who ordered it. It was 5 dollars a house, and I did 7 houses, so I made about 35 dollars. 35 plus the 31 in my bank account equals about $66 in all. I really need to get moving. I might do some stuff like heart attack for some other holidays like St.Patricks Day and Easter. I am really nervous. I hope you have had a good day/week/month/year.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Sorry, I've been slacking off!!! Any how, I went to my orientation meeting and ended up not being 10 minutes late! I was 30. We got really lost and when we stopped for directions we were only about 2 streets away. So, we talked about what student ambassadors did and then we got a homework sheet. I have to fill out a paper about our country leaders (president, etc.) and our state leaders (governer, senetors, etc.). I believe our next meeting is Feb. 27. We usually have them on the 4th saturday of every month. I'm making a resolution to update this every week.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

On coming Info Meeting

Saturday, 1/23/10, I will be going to my first orientation meeting. As usual I am nervous that I will arrive 10 minutes late. Well I guess you could just call us fashionably late, except I believe that would be 5 minutes or less(hey, there's always a chance that could change though, right, if not I won't make it to High School). For this meeting I have done as I have been instructed and made a Flat Kanga, it is a Kanga that we get to decorate, and finished a fact packet. Who knew there were 36 different species of funnel web spiders? I didn't, and I'm kinda scared. I also learned that Hugh Jackman is from Australia(he plays Wolverine). If you minus the posionous spiders Australia sounds just dandy! type to you later!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Good day, Mate! How do you do? My name is Aspen, and I have been selected to be a student ambassador for the People to People program. We will be going to Australia to learn more about their land, history, culture, and every day life.

What is People to People?

For those of you not familiar to the People to People program, it was formed by Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956. Those who participate in the People to People program might do events like climbing the Eiffel Tower, explore the Great Barrier Reef with a marine biologist, or touch history on the Great Wall of China.
Student Ambassadors access things unavailable to the average tourist, like meeting with members of the British Parliament and admission into the Maori tribes. They create deep connections with the communities they visit through. People to People can help make lifetime memories and friends. It can help opens the eyes of those who participate.
You can visit them at peopletopeople.com